Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s

Robert McCammon: Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s

Robert McCammon

Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s examines some of the lost rock'n'roll gems of the 1960s, with commentary provided by bestselling author Robert McCammon. Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Store.

Luokat: Taide

Kuuntele viimeinen jakso:

This is the fourth podcast for Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s. It includes music from bands you've most likely never heard of, but DJ Rick guarantees you'll enjoy them! It also includes a special treat....

Aikaisemmat jaksot

  • 4 - Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s Podcast #4 
    Fri, 30 Jul 2010 - 0h
  • 3 - Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s Podcast #3 
    Wed, 16 Jun 2010 - 0h
  • 2 - Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s Podcast #2 
    Thu, 29 Apr 2010 - 0h
  • 1 - Robert McCammon's Psycho 60s Podcast #1 
    Fri, 26 Mar 2010 - 0h
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